Configuration DSL


A Configuration is used in timber to tell a dispatcher which entries to route to which receivers. It takes the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). At each vertex in the graph lies either a condition or a receiver.

Condition vertices can have any number of outbound edges which each lead to either another condition vertex or a receiver vertex. Receiver vertices are leaf nodes and cannot have outbound edges.

A configuration has a set of vertices called the roots where evaluation starts for each entry. To determine which receivers will receive a particular entry, a dispatcher considers every path through the configuration DAG from a root vertex to a receiver vertex. A path accepts the entry if and only if every condition along the path accepts the entry. A single rejecting condition prevents the receiver from receiving the entry (through this path, at least). Conditions are evaluated in order from the root to the receiver, so placing more discriminating conditions closer to the root results in better performance. A path with no conditions (if a receiver vertex is a root) automatically accepts all entries. If a path accepts an entry, its terminal receiver receives the entry.

Multiple paths can terminate at the same receiver. This simply means that there are several sets of criteria which may result in an entry being received by that receiver. If more than one of these paths accept the entry, the receiver still only receives the entry once.

At first, this may seem more complicated than it really is once you begin using the timber configuration DSL.


The best way to learn the DSL is to look at some examples. Here’s a simple graph that logs to stderr only entries that have a level of INFO or higher.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

( level >= INFO ) ~> stderr

Here’s a visualization of that graph. Click on the thumbnail to get a larger version.

debug graph

Here’s another that prints anything logged from the timber package but only ERROR messages otherwise. It demonstrates that, to achieve an “or”, you can wire up two conditions in parallel.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

val in = Condition(true)
in ~> ( level >= ERROR ) ~> stderr
in ~> ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ~> stderr

debug graph

This also demonstrates the use of Condition(Boolean) to create a condition vertex that always either accepts (for true) or rejects (for false) each entry, no matter what its content. Sometimes, it’s useful to create a condition vertex like this just to help in creating your graph. I did this here so that I would have something to attach multiple edges to. It’s basically just an aggregation or distribution point.

You can also use logical operations on conditions, if you prefer.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

( ( level >= ERROR ) || ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ) ~> stderr

debug graph

Operator precedence rules may dictate a lot of parentheses.

To achieve “and”-like behavior, you can either wire up two conditions in series.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

( level >= ERROR ) ~> ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ~> stderr

debug graph

Similar to the “or” case above, you can use an “and” logical operation instead.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

( ( level >= ERROR ) && ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ) ~> stderr

debug graph

Some patterns are common enough that they have a shortcuts. When you want to add a bunch of edges in parallel, use the fanout function.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

fanout (
  level >= ERROR,
  ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) and ( level > DEBUG )
) ~> stderr

debug graph

After a fanout, you can add an edge and it will be added to the last vertex of each subgraph listed in the fanout.

If you want to create a structure where exactly one of a set of conditions determines the accepted path, use the choose function.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.receiver._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

val critical: Receiver = null
val logfile: Receiver = null
val trace: Receiver = null

choose (
  when( level > ERROR ) ~> critical,
  when( level > TRACE ) ~> logfile,
  otherwise ~> trace

debug graph

You’d obviously want to create real receivers here instead of just using null. :)

You can fan-in after a choose just like fanout. This will add an edge to each subgraph resulting from the choose.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

choose (
  when( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ~> true,
  when( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag" ) ~> ( level >= INFO ),
  otherwise ~> ( level >= WARN )
) ~> stderr

debug graph

This also illustrates the use of a Boolean as a condition. Above, we created a similar vertex but we have to use the Condition(Boolean) factory method. That’s because, in that case, the compiler couldn’t have known that we wanted a vertex instead of a Boolean. In this case, the compiler knows that ~> requires a Boolean, so it implicitly converts it for us.

Of course, your graph may not have anything to do with entry levels and your receivers may not all be writing to log files. This graph writes everything to stderr and send any entry tagged with Alert to the alerter receiver as well.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.Tag
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.receiver._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

val alerter: Receiver = null

object Alert extends Tag

fanout (
  tagged(Alert) ~> alerter,

debug graph



Subgraphs are the main building blocks of timber configuration graphs. A subgraph has exactly one root and one or more leaves. Subgraphs define the ~> edge-creation operator. When you use this operator, it adds an edge from all of the leaves on the left-hand subgraph to the root on the right-hand subgraph. As you build up your graph, you’ll create many subgraphs. It’s not something you really notice if all goes well.

There are implicit conversions from receiver to subgraph and from condition to subgraph. As long as you’re trying to use the ~> operator, conversions will be done for you. There are some situations where you need to be aware of the conversions so that you don’t run into any gotchas.


Condition vertices are created when you put a condition on either side of an edge using the ~> operator. For a full list of all the conditions that are built-in, see the Conditions page. You can also create your own condition if none of the built-ins work for you.


Receiver vertices are created when you create an edge to a receiver. There’s not really much to say about them other than that it doesn’t matter if a Receiver is contained in many vertices. Timber should still do the right thing because it will recognize that the receiver has been added to the graph multiple times and treat them as the same vertex when it comes time to route entries.


When you are taking advantage of the implicit conversions, some strange things may happen. What does the following configuration do?

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

val cfg = Configuration {
  val in = true
  in ~> ( level >= ERROR ) ~> stderr
  in ~> ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" ) ~> stderr

If you think it creates a branching structure, you’re wrong. Since the val in is type Boolean, every time it appears in an edge creation, a new vertex is created. So, while it may look like those last two lines are adding to edges to the same vertex, they’re not. They’re building two distinct subgraphs. Well, they share stderr at the end, but otherwise, they’re distinct. What’s worse is that the Configuration will take the value of the thunk (a subgraph representing the last line) and use its root for its own DAG root. The end result is that the penultimate line is completely ignored!

A valid way to write this is in the first example above where in is forced to be a subgraph with a call to Condition(Boolean). Another way would be to use fanout. Then, you don’t need in in the first place.

import org.scalawag.timber.api.level.Level._
import org.scalawag.timber.backend.dispatcher.configuration.dsl._

val cfg = Configuration {
  fanout (
    ( level >= ERROR ),
    ( loggingClass startsWith "org.scalawag.timber" )
  ) ~> stderr


The graph that the DSL builds is mutable due to its builder-style interface. You can always go back and add new edges out of an existing vertex to create more paths. As a matter of fact, it’s impossible to create two edges out of a single vertex with the ~> operator at the same time. You have to add one at a time. This may seem to be incongruous with the fact that dispatchers require immutable DAGs for their configuration.

The trick is that timber can build an immutable version of a mutable DAG on demand. It normally does this behind the scenes (with implicit conversions) so that you don’t have to be aware of the distinction but it’s good to understand when you have obscure error messages.

The conversion from a mutable DAG to an immutable DAG is normally done when you pass the root vertex into a Configuration constructor. Any vertex reachable from the root vertex is included in the immutable DAG. Other vertices are excluded.


If you’re having trouble figuring out why your configuration DAG is doing what it’s doing, it may be beneficial to generate a visual representation. This is what the DotDumper class does. It can create a dump of a Configuration as a .dot file which can then be rendered into several formats using graphviz.

The diagrams of the example graphs above were generated using DotDumper and dot from the graphviz suite.

dot -T svg > graph.svg

Best Practices

Due to the way that entry formatters work, stderr and stdout are functions in the DSL. This means that every time you include them in your DSL, a new receiver is created. Despite the fact that each of these Receivers will function similarly and will output to the same location, it’s a good idea not to create multiple. Having a single receiver for each destination will ensure that there’s no contention for the underlying resource. Multiple receivers (even with concurrency control) can actually write to the same underlying stream simultaneously since they are ignorant of each others’ presence.

This creates two unnamed receivers that both eventually write to the same file descriptor.

IN ~> ( level >= 8 ) ~> stderr
IN ~> ( level <= 4 ) ~> stderr

This actually does what you want it to do and makes sure that any locking that’s happening is done in a single place for the stderr file descriptor.

val console = stderr
IN ~> ( level >= 8 ) ~> console
IN ~> ( level <= 4 ) ~> console

In general, it’s best just to create all your receivers near the beginning of your configuration and give them identifiers. Then, you can use them as many times as is necessary without having to think too hard about it. You also need to make sure that if they’re resource-based receivers (files, etc.) that you close them when you’re done with them. Putting them all in one place will make it easy to identify them and take care of the closing. Of course, you don’t have to do this if you understand what you’re doing and only have one reference to each receiver.


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